Stampede Stills removable Copper Inline Proofing Parrot

Stampede Stills removable Copper Inline Proofing Parrot is a great accessory for up to 40 gallon stills.
Manufacturer: Stampede Stills

The removable Inline Proofing Parrot will help you get a real-time proof of the alcohol coming off of the still. This is very useful for making cuts and knowing when to start/stop your run. It is built to go onto a 3/8" worm coil. If you need a larger diameter fitting, please contact us to get it adjusted.


It is made from:

3/8" copper tubing
1" copper pipe
It includes a 3/8" copper union that you will need to attach the male end to your worm spout.

It is about 12" tall

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