Stampede Stills Copper 1/2 Gallon Widemouth Mason Jar Thumper Kit with Insulated COOZIE (Half Gallon)(1/2" piping)
This Stampede Stills Copper Quart Widemouth Mason Jar Thumper Kit with half gallon insulated neoprene MOONSHINE LIFE coozie will make a fine addition to most small stills or can be used in tandem with more jars.
This Copper Thumper/Doubler 1/2 gallon kit is the perfect addition to most smaller stills. The advantages of a thumper would be gaining a higher proof on the first run and/or to add back flavor that is lost during the first distillation process from the pot. The jar coozie will protect the glass from impact and also keep in/out the heat/cold depending on its use.
Copper 1/2" piping with a 90 degree elbow to prevent bottom blowouts caused by hot spots.
1 wide mouth gasket
1 - Half Gallon Neoprene Moonshine LifeĀ™ Stampede Stills Insulate Coozie
Made from 20 oz Revere copper and silver based, lead-free solder
**Shipping will be added to order during processing.
1 Kit = ~ $8.50 - $9.00
2 Kits = $10.50